Why UX writing is essential for SaaS success

In SaaS, where functionality and user experience reign supreme, there’s an unsung hero that often goes unnoticed: UX copywriting. At its core, UX writing is creating the words users see when interacting with software. It’s the prompts, the error messages, the tooltips, and every bit of text that guides, informs, and assists the user. While it might seem like a small detail in the grand scheme of things, effective UX writing is pivotal in enhancing the overall user experience. In the SaaS industry, where competition is fierce and user retention is paramount, UX writing becomes even more crucial.

The Evolution of UX Writing

Tracing back to the origins of UX writing, it wasn’t always as refined or user-centric as it is today. In the early days of software and digital interfaces, the language used was often technical and filled with jargon. It was written by developers for developers, with little consideration for the average user.

However, as technology became more mainstream and software started reaching wider audiences, there was a pressing need to make interfaces more user-friendly. This shift marked the beginning of a more deliberate approach to UX writing. The focus transitioned from merely instructing users to actively guiding and engaging them. Today, UX writing is a specialised field, with dedicated professionals ensuring that every word on a platform serves a purpose, enhances clarity, and improves the overall user journey.

The Difference Between UX Writing and Copywriting

When discussing the written content of a platform, two terms often come up: UX writing and copywriting. While they might seem interchangeable to the uninitiated, they serve distinct roles in the realm of SaaS.

UX Writing is all about functionality and guidance. It’s the craft of creating the text that users encounter when navigating a software platform. This includes button labels, error messages, menu descriptions, and other interface elements. The primary goal of UX writing is to ensure a smooth and intuitive user experience. It’s about removing friction, providing clarity, and ensuring users can easily achieve their goals.

Copywriting, on the other hand, is about persuasion and engagement. It’s the art of writing promotional content, be it website headlines, product descriptions, or marketing emails. The primary objective of copywriting is to persuade potential customers to take a specific action, whether that’s signing up for a service, making a purchase, or simply engaging with a brand.

In essence, while both UX writing and copywriting revolve around the use of words to influence user behaviour, their approaches and end goals differ. UX writing is user-centric, focusing on usability and clarity, whereas copywriting is brand-centric, aiming to promote and persuade.

Key Principles of Effective UX Writing

For SaaS platforms aiming to provide an exceptional user experience, understanding and implementing the principles of effective UX writing is paramount. Here are some foundational guidelines:

  1. Clarity: The primary goal of UX writing is to be understood. Avoid ambiguity and opt for simple, straightforward language that leaves no room for confusion.
  2. Consistency: Whether it’s the terminology used or the tone of voice, maintaining consistency across the platform ensures a cohesive user experience. It reduces cognitive load and builds familiarity.
  3. Context: Always provide information in the right context. Whether it’s a tooltip explaining a feature or a prompt guiding the next action, ensure that the user receives the correct information at the right time.
  4. Conciseness: In the digital realm, brevity is key. While providing all necessary information is essential, it’s equally important to be concise. Avoid verbosity and get to the point.
  5. User-Centricity: Always write with the user in mind. Understand their needs, challenges, and goals. Tailor your language to resonate with them and address their specific requirements.

The Impact of UX Writing on User Onboarding

User onboarding is a critical phase in a user’s journey with any SaaS platform. It’s the first impression, the initial interaction, and often the determining factor in whether a user continues with the service or abandons it. Effective UX copywriting plays a pivotal role in this process.

Clear and intuitive instructions can significantly simplify the onboarding experience. Users shouldn’t have to guess or spend excessive time figuring out how to navigate the platform or use its features. With well-crafted UX writing, users are guided seamlessly through the initial stages, reducing the likelihood of drop-offs.

Microcopy, the tiny bits of text that appear throughout a platform, is especially crucial during onboarding. These can be tooltips that explain a particular feature, prompts that guide the next action, or feedback messages that confirm a successful task completion. When done right, microcopy can prevent common user errors, answer questions before they arise, and foster a sense of accomplishment.

Case Study: SaaS Platforms That Nailed UX Writing

To truly appreciate the impact of stellar UX writing, let’s examine a couple of SaaS platforms that have set benchmarks in this domain:

  1. Slack: This team collaboration tool is renowned for its user-friendly interface, and much of this can be attributed to its exceptional UX writing. From the playful yet informative prompts to the clear instructions during setup, Slack ensures that users, whether tech-savvy or not, can easily navigate the platform.
  2. Airtable: A versatile platform that merges the functionalities of spreadsheets and databases, Airtable could easily overwhelm new users. However, its UX writing shines through, breaking down complex features into digestible bits. The onboarding process is filled with helpful hints, guiding users to harness the platform’s full potential.

These platforms underscore the importance of investing in quality UX writing. It’s not just about clarity; it’s about creating an environment where users feel supported, understood, and empowered.

Common UX Writing Mistakes in SaaS and How to Avoid Them

Even with the best intentions, SaaS platforms sometimes fall into common UX writing pitfalls. Recognising and rectifying these mistakes can significantly enhance the user experience. Here are some frequent missteps and how to sidestep them:

  1. Vague Instructions: Ambiguous prompts or unclear instructions can leave users frustrated and confused. To avoid this, always be specific in your guidance. Instead of saying “Error occurred,” specify the nature of the error and, if possible, suggest a solution.
  2. Overuse of Jargon: While specific technical terms might be second nature to developers, they can alienate the average user. Ensure your platform is accessible to all by minimising jargon or providing clear explanations when technical terms are unavoidable.
  3. Lack of Feedback: Users need to know the outcome of their actions. Whether they’ve successfully completed a task or encountered an error, immediate and clear feedback is essential. For instance, after a form submission, a simple “Your form has been submitted successfully” can provide much-needed clarity.
  4. Ignoring Tone and Voice: While consistency in terminology is crucial, maintaining a consistent tone and voice is equally important. A disjointed tone can be jarring for users. Determine your brand’s voice—be it professional, casual, or playful—and ensure it’s reflected consistently across all UX writing.

Tools and Resources for UX Writers in SaaS

The world of UX writing is ever-evolving, and staying updated is key. Fortunately, there are numerous tools and resources available to assist UX writers in their craft:

  1. Hemingway Editor: This online tool helps writers create clear and concise content. It highlights complex sentences, passive voice and offers readability scores.
  2. Google’s Material Design Guidelines: An invaluable resource, these guidelines offer insights into writing for user interfaces, covering everything from tone to terminology.
  3. UX Writers Collective: A platform dedicated to UX writing, offering courses, articles, and a community for writers to share knowledge and best practices.
  4. Write the Docs: A community of tech writers, developers, and other professionals who discuss and share documentation best practices, which can be invaluable for UX writers in the SaaS domain.

By leveraging these tools and resources, UX writers can continually refine their skills, stay updated with industry trends, and ensure they deliver the best possible content for their users.

Why you need a pro UX copywriter

The world of SaaS is dynamic, with innovations emerging at a rapid pace. However, amidst all the technological advancements, the importance of clear, user-centric communication remains constant. UX copywriting, often overlooked, is the linchpin that holds the user experience together.

Moreover, while understanding the principles of UX copywriting is crucial, implementing them effectively requires expertise. This is where the role of a professional UX copywriter becomes invaluable. A seasoned UX copywriter doesn’t just write copy; they understand user behaviour, anticipate challenges, and craft content that guides, assists, and engages. Investing in professional UX writing is not just an expenditure; it’s a strategic move that can significantly enhance user satisfaction, reduce churn, and drive growth.

For SaaS founders and professionals, the message is clear: Prioritise UX writing and consider partnering with experts in the field. The impact on user experience and – by extension, the success of your platform – can be profound.