Simple Strategies To Enhance Your Brand Image

Studies show that consumers care about brand image and identity more than ever. Over 70% of shoppers are more likely to buy from businesses that share their principles and core values. If you’re looking to attract new clients or boost retention rates, here are some simple strategies to employ to enhance your brand image in …

Live Shopping: Can the UK Bridge the Gap with China?

It’s super interesting to see how online shopping is changing, especially with the whole live shopping scene blowing up. This trend started in China and has really mixed up how we do online shopping by bringing entertainment into the mix. It’s all about “shoppertainment” now, where influencers and live streamers make shopping online a fun, …

How livestream shopping can take over Europe – just like China

Livestream shopping is shaking things up, mixing old-school customer service with the endless possibilities of online shopping. It’s a game-changer, especially exciting for Europe as it stands on the edge of this retail revolution. Imagine shopping meets live video, where you can interact, ask questions, and buy stuff in real-time. Europe’s Livestream Shopping Scene Europe, …

Livestream shopping: From screen to cart to you

Livestream shopping is transforming shopping big time, especially in China. Imagine watching a video where someone’s showing off the latest sneakers or tech gadgets and you can buy them right then and there. It’s live, interactive, and adds a personal touch to online shopping that you usually don’t get. This isn’t just a passing trend; …

Google Isn’t The Enemy: Your Complacency Is

Unsplash – CC0 License   Many people in business believe that Google is the enemy. But that’s rarely the case. Just look at the companies leveraging the search engine for success!   The major problem is complacency. Brands believe they can approach SEO as a process instead of something that’s constantly evolving and requires adaptation.  …

Why Outsourcing And Delegation Is Your Key To Success In The Small Business Space

As you already know, in the world of small business, you’re often wearing multiple hats, juggling tasks that range from marketing to managing finances. But here’s a secret, that might have crossed your mind a couple of times: you don’t have to do it all alone. Outsourcing and delegation might just be the lifeline you …

4 Ways To Leverage Your Coffee Machine For Better Business Performance

Unsplash – CC0 License   Could the key to better business performance lie in your kitchen’s coffee machine? Potentially.    While inconspicuous, these devices are more important than you might realize. So, how can you leverage them? Let’s take a look.    Use Coffee Breaks For Brainstorming Sessions   One option is to use coffee …

Running A Website: How To Prevent An Online Business From Becoming Overwhelming

Owning a business is hard work – no one could ever say it isn’t! It’s why so many up and coming entrepreneurs experience burnout within the first year of business. They dive in head first and throw in all their time and energy, and get barely anything back and have to take a break before …